Computer Science Department
Univ. of California, Davis
3035 Kemper Hall
- Congratulations to Drs. Shahbaz Rezaei, Albara Ramli, and Joenghoon Kim for completing PhDs, May 2023.
- Congratulations to Shahbaz Rezeai for receiving the CS Best Graduate Researcher Award in 2023.
- AIBrige Bootcamp, Cornell, UIUC, Saratoga Public Libraries, July 2023.
- Postdoctoral Researcher position available in the area of machine learning algorithm development and real-world machine learning applications. Interested candidates with strong backgrounds in systems, optimization, or machine learning should send their CV to Prof. Xin Liu at, July 2022.
- We received a $1 million grant from the Alzheimer’s Disease Program at the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) for our project: Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Metabolic Dysfunction and Alzheimer's Disease: The Diet-Gut-Liver-Brain Axis, June 2022.
- We received a $3 million, five-year grant from NSF to create a new graduate-level training program, NeuroStorm, to harness the power of data and data analytics in neuroengineering, June 2022. [News]
- We received a $5M+$1M grant from the NSF Convergence Accelerator Program to continue our research on Data-Driven Disease Control and Prevention in Veterinary Health. [News]
- Faculty spotlight, March 2022.
- Congratulations to Yongshuai Liu, Xi Chen, Fanyu Meng, Xiaoxiao Wang, and Arefeh Yavary for winning the 2nd place in Part B Machine Learning Challenge at the 3rd Autonomous Greenhouses International Challenge, among 46 teams! This is our first time participating a machine learning competition. Hearty congratulations to the students for their hard work and result! The collective AIFS team won the 10th place, combining Part A, computer vision challange, and Part B, machine learning challange.
Xin Liu received her Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University in 2002. She is currently a Professor in Computer Science at the University of California, Davis. Before joining UC Davis, she was a postdoctoral research associate in the Coordinated Science Laboratory at UIUC. During 2012-2014, she took a leave of absence and was with Microsoft Research Asia.
Her current research interests fall in the general areas of machine learning algorithm development and machine learning applications in human and animal healthcare, food systems, and communication networks. Her research on networking includes cellular networks, cognitive radio networks, wireless sensor networks, network information theory, network security, and IoT systems.
Prof. Liu is an IEEE Fellow. She received the Computer Networks Journal Best Paper of Year award in 2003 for her work on opportunistic scheduling. In 2005, she received the NSF CAREER award for her research on Smart-Radio-Technology-Enabled Opportunistic Spectrum Utilization. She received the Outstanding Engineering Junior Faculty Award from the College of Engineering, University of California, Davis in 2005. She became a Chancellor's Fellow in 2011. She is a co-PI and AI cluster co-lead for the $20M AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems.